This is a picture of a Christmas tree and a fireplace.
A beautiful holiday setting.

Happy Holidays to our readers!  Thank you for your continued interest in our state tax updates and technical news via this blog.  And thank you for your calls and inquiries throughout 2020 about all things related to state sales tax issues. 

As we all get ready to slow down for the next couple of weeks and go headlong into this very strange, one-of-a-kind (we hope!) holiday season, we wanted to offer some perspective on the year from our vantage point.  

In 2020, we have been grateful for our dedicated team, which grew by 3 people during the year.  We’re now 10 people strong, with all kinds of backgrounds and experience levels.  Every now and then, I’ll have a conversation with a networking colleague and they ask me what we do.  My standard elevator pitch is, “We help companies doing business across state lines navigate the state tax ramifications (sales tax and income tax) of transacting business beyond the home state.”  And of course, that only scratches the surface. But more than once, I’ve gotten the follow up question, “There’s enough work in that area to keep you busy?”  Ummm, yes! Yes, there is.  And even enough for 10 of our team members!

We are also incredibly grateful for our clients. We have worked this year with amazing companies who are delivering innovative products and services across the country – and the world – and have managed to do so despite the pandemic.  Here are a few examples of projects that we’ve taken on this year:

  • A few companies which have platforms that match customers with service providers, or customers with influencers (artists, musicians, etc.) to purchase their products or services. We’ve worked with them to navigate the nuances of marketplace facilitator status for this way of delivering products in the new economy
  • Companies which are developing and delivering testing kits – some for the coronavirus, and some for other testing.  States can vary on their treatment for taxability – depending on how delivered, etc.
  • Several SaaS companies delivering their products in a cloud environment. We assist with nexus and taxability reviews and make sure they are filing correctly where they should be, and if not, assist with getting them into compliance.
  • Audit support for clients in California, New York, Texas, and many other states.  States can be very aggressive in audit situations, and we definitely recommend having some support, rather than trying to “go it alone”! Several of our recent projects have resulted in significant reductions in the original assessments. We’re very proud of that!
  • “Reverse audits”, where we review whether a company has (for whatever reason) overpaid use tax, and assist them in recouping those overpayments.  Our team’s deep relationships with representatives at state agencies (particularly in California with the CDTFA) help us to get these refund claims handled quickly and efficiently so that our clients can benefit more readily. 
  • Compliance support – whether in the form of voluntary disclosures, “simple” registrations or ongoing sales tax filings – we’ve helped many clients this year in navigating these waters!

Finally, we are grateful to our families, who have gotten to know us all even better as we all work together, Zoom together, and enjoy the company of spouses, children, and pets 24/7.  We’ve all had to adapt this year, and our team at Miles Consulting Group is no different.  Zoom has become ubiquitous and I’m convinced that “Zoom Fatigue” is a thing.  However, it has been nice to see our clients more frequently on calls and use this technology to stay in touch with…well…the world!

So, from our families to yours, we wish you all the best for the remainder of this holiday season and into the new year.  Here’s hoping that 2021 will prove to allow us to vaccinate and then eventually recommence with connecting with family members not living in our home, networking lunches, travel and some entertainment!  If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that we have to be flexible and adaptable. Someone asked me the other day what my “energy word for 2021” will be.  And I said “Grace”.  I do believe we all still need to give each other some grace and latitude as we manage the current environment. And that will continue into 2021.

Thank you for your support and your friendship and relationship with our firm and all our team members. 

Best wishes!

Monika & Bill