This is a flower bouquet.
Miles Consulting wishes everyone a happy
and healthy Thanksgiving!

Many of you visit our blog for insightful articles about state tax matters. However this week, we’d like to stop for a moment and reflect on the past year and on the things that we have to be thankful for.

This year has certainly thrown us a few curve balls. With the onslaught of the coronavirus pandemic, life has changed drastically as many people work from home and students have switched to distance learning. At Miles Consulting, our team members are dealing with the issues of working from home, home schooling children, visiting grand-kids online, and canceling vacations, and other outings. But, thankfully, most of us aren’t dealing with “front line” issues.  And we are very thankful for the essential workers in hospitals, doctors’ offices, grocery stores and other places that enable us to carry on with daily life, so that it can seem somewhat normal.

It seems that in 2020, it’s important to not take things for granted and to be kind to one another. Seems like everyone could use an extra dose of random kindness right now!  Simple acts like asking someone about their day and opening a door still resonates a lot with people. Even a smile can have an impact. (People CAN see your eyes smiling behind that mask, you know!) This pandemic has brought focus to negative things in our daily lives, and daily reminders of all the things that we can’t do. But there are many things that we can do. Consider strapping on your sneakers to go on walks in the park or around your neighborhood. Or try that new recipe you’ve  been dying to try.  Maybe finally get to those projects around the house that we always say that we do not have enough time for. You’d be amazed at how good those things feel!

As we think about being thankful during this Thanksgiving holiday, it’s not going to be as much about seeing and hugging our loved ones, as perhaps reflecting on prior good times together and the anticipation of future times together as well. And as common as the “Zoom call” has become, it may take on a new meaning with our far-flung relatives this weekend. Here’s to a virtual toast over a slice of virtual pumpkin pie!

Thank you to our amazing clients, our team of consultants at Miles Consulting, and our families who support us in our efforts. We wish all of you much happiness over this Thanksgiving holiday – however you may spend it – and hope that you have a moment to reflect on the many things that we know that you are thankful for as well. 

Thank you for being a part of our lives!  Happy Thanksgiving from our families to yours!

The Miles Consulting Team