Guiding Your Journey: Choosing the Right Sales Tax Compliance Outsourcing Partner

In sales tax compliance, the decision to outsource becomes a critical juncture, with far-reaching implications for the efficiency and effectiveness of your operations. Therefore, it is imperative to approach this decision-making process with a clear understanding of how to make an informed and well-considered choice in a tax compliance partner.

As with any fundamental business partnership, there are core aspects to seek out, when finding and establishing a relationship with an outsourcing provider. With these boxes checked, though, your tax burden will be eased.

This article will cover these aspects, with particular focus on the following:

1. Understanding Your Needs:

Assessing compliance demands, identifying pain points, and establishing clear objectives.

2. Evaluating Provider Expertise:

Key aspects include services range, scalability, integration, track record, industry experience, and tax experts’ qualifications.

3. Prioritizing Compliance and Security:

Focus on data security, industry standards adherence, and disaster recovery.

4. Maximizing Service Level Agreements (SLAs):

Recommendations encompass defining scope, setting response times, measuring performance, ensuring flexibility, negotiating tailored terms, and continuous improvement.

Not what you need? Reach out to us at We can help.

1. Understanding Your Needs

Before proceeding, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of your unique needs. This crucial step lays the foundation for a successful partnership that addresses your specific challenges:

  • Evaluate Compliance Demands: Begin by conducting a thorough assessment of your sales tax compliance requirements. This evaluation should take into account various factors that impact your business:
    • Transaction Volume: Analyze the volume of transactions your business engages in. High transaction volumes may necessitate more robust automation and support.
    • Geographical Scope: Consider the states and jurisdictions where you conduct business (i.e.; nexus). Each state has  distinct sales tax regulations and requirements.
    • Industry Intricacies: Recognize the specific complexities of your industry. Different sectors may have unique compliance nuances that require specialized expertise. (For instance, comparing just three types of industries – food service, software and SaaS, and manufacturing – each has a specific set of exemptions which must be considered.)
  • Identify Pain Points: Reflect on past experiences and challenges that have hindered your sales tax compliance efforts. Identify specific areas where you’ve encountered difficulties, errors, or inefficiencies. These pain points serve as valuable insights into the type of support and solutions you need from an outsourcing provider.
  • Establish Objectives and Expectations: Define clear objectives and expectations for your sales tax compliance outsourcing partnership. This ensures alignment between your chosen provider’s services and your business objectives. Determine the goals you aim to achieve:
    • Streamlining Processes: Enhance the efficiency of your compliance workflows to save time and resources.
    • Minimizing Errors: Reduce the risk of compliance errors and costly penalties through accurate calculations and filings.
    • Freeing Up Resources: Allocate your internal resources more effectively by outsourcing time-consuming compliance tasks.

2. Evaluating Provider Expertise

When selecting the right sales tax compliance outsourcing provider, a comprehensive evaluation of their capabilities is essential. Consider the following aspects to ensure you’re partnering with a provider that aligns with your business’s unique requirements:

  • Comprehensive Range of Services: Seek an outsourcing partner that offers a diverse and comprehensive range of services. From initial tax calculations to filing and beyond, the provider should cover every aspect of sales tax compliance. This ensures that your business receives comprehensive support tailored to its specific needs. At Miles Consulting, we offer up-front consulting services and ongoing compliance. Sometimes companies think that handing off the compliance function is a “one & done” activity. But we recommend reviewing the process regularly to make sure that the company’s needs are met as they grow.
  • Scalability and Customization: Recognize the importance of scalability and customization. A one-size-fits-all approach may not address the nuances of your business. Seek out providers that have the flexibility to tailor their solutions to your business’s size, industry, and growth trajectory. This adaptability ensures that you receive solutions perfectly aligned with your evolving needs.
  • Seamless Integration: Integration with your existing systems and processes is a critical factor to consider. A seamless connection between the outsourcing provider’s solutions and your internal workflows minimizes disruption and enhances overall efficiency. Prioritize providers that can seamlessly integrate their services into your operations. It’s important to note that sometimes the integration process may require a team of professionals bringing their various expertise to bear. It’s not always a one stop scenario because there are so many different nuances involved in the consulting, software, inputs, outputs, etc. We often work with a number of members of the client team and also other third parties to bring the right solution to the table for the maximum result.
  • Proven Track Record: The provider’s track record is a testament to their reliability and expertise. Conduct thorough research into their history, stability, and reputation within the industry. Client testimonials, case studies, and references can provide valuable insights into the provider’s ability to deliver on their promises.
  • Industry-Specific Experience: Industry-specific experience is a key differentiator when evaluating outsourcing partners. Opt for a provider that possesses in-depth knowledge of your sector’s intricacies. An understanding of your industry’s unique challenges allows the provider to anticipate potential issues and offer tailored solutions that ensure compliance and optimize efficiency. As an example, we work with many software as a service (SaaS) providers. There are a number of unique sales tax aspects to the cloud subscription model. A SaaS company with a monthly or annual subscription model will have different needs than an e-commerce company with hundreds of SKUs.
  • Qualifications of Tax Experts: The qualifications of the provider’s tax experts and professionals are pivotal to the success of your partnership. Scrutinize their credentials, experience, and commitment to ongoing education. Seasoned professionals with a deep understanding of tax laws  across the country can provide expert guidance, ensuring accurate compliance and informed decision-making.

3. Prioritizing Compliance and Security

Compliance and security should be top priorities when selecting an outsourcing provider. Consider the following key aspects to ensure your business’s sensitive information is safeguarded and your compliance efforts are upheld:

  • Data Security and Privacy: Inquire about the provider’s data security measures, including data encryption, secure storage practices, and access controls. A robust commitment to data security ensures that your confidential data remains safe from unauthorized access or breaches.
  • Adherence to Industry Standards: Compliance with industry standards and regulations is a hallmark of an ethical and responsible outsourcing partner. Inquire about the provider’s adherence to recognized industry standards for data protection and privacy. A commitment to these standards reflects their dedication to maintaining the highest levels of integrity and ensuring that your compliance efforts are aligned with legal and ethical practices.
  • Disaster Recovery and Contingency Plans: Unforeseen disruptions can pose significant challenges to your business’s operations. A provider’s disaster recovery and contingency plans demonstrate their preparedness to navigate unexpected events. Inquire about their strategies for mitigating risks, recovering from data breaches or system failures, and ensuring minimal downtime. A comprehensive approach to disaster recovery underscores the provider’s commitment to delivering uninterrupted and reliable services.

4. Maximizing Service Level Agreements (SLAs)

Effective SLAs are crucial for a productive compliance partnership. Here’s how to make the most of SLAs to ensure your compliance journey is both efficient and successful:

  • Defining Clear Scope and Expectations: Begin by clearly outlining the scope of the SLAs. Define the specific services, tasks, and responsibilities that the outsourcing provider will undertake to support your sales tax compliance efforts. This clarity sets the stage for a focused and aligned partnership.
  • Setting Response Times and Protocols: Establish well-defined response times and protocols for issue resolution. The speed and effectiveness of the provider’s responses directly impact your compliance efficiency. Determine turnaround times for inquiries, issue escalation procedures, and the methods of communication to be used.
  • Measuring Performance Metrics: Identify key performance metrics that will be used to gauge the provider’s performance. These metrics could include timely filing of returns, accuracy of tax calculations, resolution of compliance queries, and more. Regularly monitoring these metrics ensures accountability and transparency.
  • Ensuring Flexibility and Adaptability: Prioritize flexibility in SLAs to accommodate changes in your business’s needs, regulations, or market dynamics. An agile approach allows for adjustments and ensures that the partnership remains effective over time.
  • Negotiating Tailored Contract Terms: During negotiations, align contract terms with your business’s unique requirements. Discuss the specific level of service, frequency of reporting, and any additional support you may need. Negotiate terms that reflect the scope, complexity, and urgency of your compliance demands.
  • Reviewing and Continuous Improvement: Regularly review the effectiveness of SLAs and their impact on compliance outcomes. Use these reviews to identify areas for improvement, refine processes, and enhance the overall partnership.

For more on finding the right partner for your business’s multi-state tax needs, from corporate taxes and online sales tax to nexus reviews, due diligence and SaaS industry expertise, come to Miles Consulting.