Focus on Idaho

This is a picture of a Idaho river.
An Idaho River

This month we travel to the Pacific Northwest state of Idaho. Nicknamed, the gem state, Idaho is the 14th largest of the 50 states. It is known for it’s mountainous landscapes, vast areas of protected wilderness and outdoor recreation areas.

Forming part of the Pacific Northwest (and with the associated Cascadia Bioregion), Idaho is divided into several distinct geographic and climatic regions. The state’s north, relatively isolated Idaho Panhandle, is closely linked with Eastern Washington with which it shares the Pacific Time Zone- the rest of the state uses the Mountain Time Zone. The state’s south side includes the Snake River Plain which includes most of the population and agricultural land. The state is quite mountainous, containing part of the Rocky Mountains.

Business Climate

Idaho is an important agricultural state, producing nearly one-third of the potatoes in the United States. Additionally, all three varieties of wheat, dark northern spring, hard red, and soft white are grown in the state.

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Why Economic Nexus Threshold Changes In South Dakota May Affect Your State

Close to five years ago, the landmark decision in the Supreme Court case of South Dakota v. Wayfair (2018) changed the sales tax landscape across the country. This decision made it so that states could require companies who met specific sales thresholds to collect and remit tax on sales, even if the company did not have a physical presence in the state. As of today, every state that has sales tax has enacted some sort of economic nexus law, but they have varying transaction threshold requirements, which makes it challenging for online sellers to keep up. As more states, including the state that started it all, jump on the bandwagon, could 2023 be the year transaction thresholds are done away with altogether? 

What Are The Challenges Of Current Economic Nexus Threshold Requirements? 

There are currently six broad categories of economic nexus thresholds, including:

  • $100,000 (17 states)
  • $100,000 or 200 transactions (23 states, Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia)
  • $100,000 and 100 transactions (one state)
  • $250,000 (two states)
  • $500,000 (two states)
  • $500,000 and 100 transactions (one state)

However, this isn't where the differences between state economic nexus thresholds end. Some states' thresholds only include taxable sales of tangible personal property (TPP), while others are based on gross sales. Some state thresholds include services, but they aren't counted in others. If you sell through a marketplace, that adds another layer of complexity - some thresholds include sales made through a marketplace, but some do not. 

If that wasn't challenging enough for businesses, states also base thresholds on different time periods. In some states, it is the prior or current calendar year that matters. For others, only the prior calendar year, the past 12 months or the past four calendar quarters are taken into account. Some states have a different time requirement entirely. You can see why business owners and sales tax experts have called for uniformity. 

What States Have Already Eliminated An Economic Nexus Transaction Threshold Requirement? 

One way many states are already simplifying sales tax nexus laws for businesses is by removing the transaction threshold requirement. The transaction threshold has been particularly challenging for small businesses that may not make much in terms of sales but have met the 200-transaction threshold and therefore have nexus in states with that requirement. With the elimination of the transaction threshold, businesses have greater certainty and clarity in evaluating their sales tax nexus footprint. 

Thirteen states never had an economic nexus transaction threshold to begin with - Alabama, Arizona, Florida, Idaho, Kansas, Mississippi, Missouri, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee and Texas. Eight states have eliminated their preexisting nexus transaction thresholds, including our home state of California. Some other states that have followed suit are Colorado, Iowa, Maine, Massachusetts, North Dakota, Washington and Wisconsin.  

South Dakota, the state that led the charge to tax remote sales, just joined the growing trend to remove the transaction threshold with the signing of Senate Bill 30 by the governor on February 9, 2023. Up until now, the threshold requirements in South Dakota were $100,000 in gross sales or at least 200 separate transactions in the current or previous calendar year. The change will take effect on July 1, 2023. 

Is Further Economic Nexus Simplification On The Horizon? 

We hope so! The Senate Finance Committee met in June 2022 to discuss and hear testimony from sales tax experts to see what can be done to make compliance easier for businesses and economic nexus and Wayfair streamlining was a large topic of discussion. While we can't exactly predict what the future holds for economic nexus and sales tax law, experts agree that a simplified and more uniform process would ease the compliance burden, especially for small businesses that may not have as many resources. As updates come, we will continue to keep you informed on our weekly blog. If you need further support, our expert sales tax team at Miles Consulting Group is happy to help!

Do You Need Help Keeping Up With Economic Nexus Threshold Requirements?

If you find yourself with economic nexus transaction requirements in the states where you do business or need overall sales tax support, we have a skilled multistate tax team who would love to work with you and take that pressure off your back! We are happy to meet with you and clarify any tax issues you are trying to navigate. Contact us today.

Important Updates Marketplace Facilitators Need To About New INFORM Consumers Act

Online shopping addiction concept with man finger on digital tablet touch screen at abstract digital background with shopping cart icons

Following the 2018 South Dakota vs. Wayfair U.S. Supreme Court decision that eliminated the physical presence standard for sales tax nexus, not only have most states enacted economic nexus legislation, but many have also started requiring marketplace facilitators to collect and remit sales tax on behalf of the third party sellers. 

A marketplace facilitator (or MPF) is a business or organization that contracts with third parties ("sellers") to sell goods or services on its platform, facilitating the sales that arise (large examples include Amazon or Etsy). These companies facilitate sales of goods or services between a seller and a buyer - but generally, the MPF does not take title to or even carry the inventory.  

Because of the complexity that can arise for these marketplaces, we often share articles detailing the most up-to-date marketplace facilitator laws. You can read some of our past articles here and here. Today, we share what the new INFORM Consumers Act means for marketplace facilitators. 

What Is The INFORM Consumers Act? 

The INFORM Consumers Act, which was signed into law on December 29, 2022, is designed to reduce and ideally eliminate counterfeit sales. It was signed into law as a last-minute addition to the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023, a bill that authorizes federal government spending for the upcoming year. The consumers act applies to online marketplaces and requires them to collect, verify and make available to buyers certain identification information for 'high-volume third-party sellers' on their platform (sellers with more than 200 transactions and $5,000 in revenue in a 12-month period). The Consumers Act requirements go into effect on June 27, 2023. 

What Do Online Marketplaces Need To Implement To Comply With The INFORM Consumers Act? 

Online marketplaces must implement policies, procedures and controls to comply with the following new requirements: 

  • Collect and verify information from high-volume sellers at least once a year, including: 
    • Bank account number or name of the payee (if no bank account number). 
    • Contact information. 
      • Seller is a business? Copy of a valid, government-issued record or tax document with the business name and physical address. 
      • Seller is an individual? Name of the individual. 
      • An individual acting on behalf of an individual seller? Copy of valid government-issued identification for the individual. 
    • Business tax identification number or taxpayer identification number. 
    • Email address and phone number of the seller.
  • Disclose certain high-volume sellers (sellers with an aggregate total of $20,000 or more in annual gross revenues on the marketplace) information to buyers, including:
    • Seller's full name, physical address and contact information to consumers either on the product listing page or another consumer communication. 
    • Identify whether the seller used a different seller to supply the product to the consumer upon purchase. 
    • There is a listed exception for high-volume marketplace sellers working out of their residences. These sellers must provide the country and state where they reside, but don't need to provide the specific street address. The marketplace needs to let consumers know there is no business address and provide a way for consumers to contact the seller. 
  • Provide clear and conspicuous consumer reporting options on high-volume seller pages.
  • Comply with data privacy and security requirements.

What Are The Consequences Of Non-Compliance For Marketplace Facilitators And High-Volume Sellers? 

If a high-volume seller does not comply with these new requirements, the online marketplace can suspend sales activity on their account. The marketplace needs to alert the seller with written or electronic notice and give the seller 10 days to comply. If the marketplace fails to enforce the INFORM Consumers Act, they are subject to civil or criminal penalties, which could exceed $46,000 per violation. While some online marketplaces may already comply with some of these requirements, many will likely need to implement new measures, so we recommend reaching out to a team of sales tax professionals, like our team at Miles Consulting, to ensure you are ready in June. 

Do You Need Help Keeping Up With Marketplace Facilitator Laws?

If you find yourself with questions regarding marketplace facilitation under the INFORM Consumers Act, or sales tax in general, please give our team of multistate tax experts a call! We would be happy to help you and clarify any tax issues you are trying to navigate. Contact us today

Does Your Business Need A Nexus Study? Everything You Should Know Now

A man in a black suit with a black tie writes on a piece of paper. In the corner are three stacked binders with paper in them.

These days, most companies conduct business across state lines. Even if you think you are compliant, there may be taxes and fees you are unaware of. A nexus study may be the best step for your organization to take to ensure you are meeting all of your sales tax liabilities. Keep reading to learn what a nexus study is, if your organization needs one and how Miles Consulting Group can help.  

What Is A Nexus Study?

Let's first clarify what nexus is. Sales tax nexus occurs when your company has some sort of connection to a state that has a sales tax. Although 45 states and the District of Columbia have a state level sales tax, the laws that create sales tax nexus can vary slightly state by state. Overall, most states agree that a physical or economic presence creates nexus. (And just to avoid confusion, we also address nexus as it pertains to income tax - but for purposes of this blog, we are focused on sales tax.)

What are ways that a business can create nexus in a state? Below are examples of physical presence creating nexus. 

  • Having an office in a state 
  • Having an employee, salesperson, contractor, etc. in a state
  • Owning a warehouse or storage facility in a state
  • Storing inventory in a state (such as in an Amazon FBA warehouse or other 3rd party fulfillment center)
  • Temporarily doing physical business in a state for a limited amount of time, such as at a trade show or craft fair

And, of course, as we've written about frequently, economic nexus is created by crossing certain sales thresholds - either dollar or number of sales. 

Now that you know how nexus is created in multiple states, what is a nexus study? 

A nexus study is a process to analyze and review all your business activities and sales in a state (or states) to determine if (and very importantly, when) they create sales tax nexus. A nexus study is often the first step to becoming sales tax compliant since it tells you where you have sales tax obligations, and when they started and can help determine what next steps need to be taken. We often describe it to our clients as taking a snapshot of your sales tax situation at a moment in time to determine a.) if you have created nexus in the past and therefore have a retroactive filing responsibility (and more importantly, sales tax obligation) in a state, b.) what the dollar amount of that retroactive exposure is (along with potential interest and penalties), a remediation plan and a plan for going forward. 

What Are The Benefits Of Doing A Nexus Study? 

We have conversations daily with potential clients who aren't fully compliant with sales tax, but really do want to become compliant. And the conversation often starts with "Can I just register for sales tax and start collecting and filing going forward?"  Well …. no. States want to know (on the registration documentation, that a company representative files under penalty of perjury) when nexus was first created. If it was, say, three years ago, the state would require the company to pay that tax. Many companies are not aware of that, nor in a position to pay those back taxes.  

A nexus study can help to determine that snapshot of potential exposure, so that you can properly analyze the situation (along with your favorite state tax consultant) and what the best next steps are toward full compliance. If you think you may have a sales tax problem, a nexus study is a way to effectively diagnose the problem, and for that matter, a possible income tax problem as well.   

A nexus study can also be beneficial if you believe you have been fully compliant but need some clarity on your obligations going forward. It can help determine if you no longer need to file in certain states that you needed to in the past. 

Another area where a nexus study is beneficial is before a merger or other transaction. The buyer company will always engage in due diligence to determine whether there are outstanding sales tax liabilities. Potential targets (or sellers) can do themselves a huge service by having those questions answered for themselves before a third party reviews that situation in the heat of an M&A transaction. 

How Can Miles Consulting Group Help? 

We tailor each nexus project to the specific client to ensure needs are being met. Here are some of the questions we may ask you as part of your review: 

  • Do you have physical presence nexus?
  • Do you have economic nexus?
  • Is your product or service taxable?
  • Are there any available exemptions (e.g. food or medical exemptions, sales to qualified nonprofit entities)?
  • Do you need to start collecting and remitting sales and use tax?
  • You've collected tax from a given state and have not remitted it - what now?
  • You're a target in an M&A deal? Let's confirm whether a buyer would find any skeletons in the closet! 

Once you have completed a nexus study and established where you have liabilities, what are the next steps? 

After we determine your liabilities, Miles Consulting Group can continue to support you through your compliance journey. When we determine possible exposure, we help clients receive maximum benefit from available amnesty programs, contract for voluntary disclosure agreements or simply document their exposure if that is all that is needed at that point. 

Please contact us today if you have any questions or are interested in moving forward with a nexus study. 

A Simple Step-By-Step Guide To Stay Ahead Of Sales Tax Compliance

Sales tax compliance can be overwhelming, and it's even more complicated if you, as the seller, have an economic presence in multiple states because of the number of things to keep track of. This step-by-step sales tax guide is a useful place to start to ensure you stay ahead of your filing requirements. We always try to remind clients that sales tax is a pass-thru fiduciary tax. If you collect it and remit it correctly, there should be no liability to the seller. Where it gets dicey is when the seller doesn't correctly collect, remit and report in jurisdictions in which it is required to do so. 

1.) Discover Which States You Meet The Physical Or Economic Nexus Threshold In 

The first step is to determine where your business may be liable to collect sales tax. Before 2018, this was more straightforward. If you had a physical presence in a state, you were responsible to collect and remit sales tax. The 2018 U.S. Supreme Court ruling in South Dakota v. Wayfair, Inc changed the sales tax landscape by allowing South Dakota to enact economic nexus legislation, meaning that sellers who had a certain amount of economic presence in the state (either by reaching a certain number of sales or amount of money from sales) were also liable to become compliant in that state, even without a physical presence. Other states quickly jumped on the bandwagon, and today every state has some level of economic nexus legislation. Economic nexus threshold requirements vary by state, so check out yours here. It's important to note that the enactment dates for economic nexus measurement also differ from state to state, so there are several moving parts in correctly determining the nexus start date. Sellers now need to consider BOTH their physical presence and economic nexus in a state to determine the correct reporting date.

2.) Determine If Your Products And Services Are Subject To Sales Tax 

Now that you know which states you have reached nexus in, it is time to figure out which products and services are subject to sales tax and the state sales tax rates. Heads up - this varies greatly by state, and in some states it can even vary by city or county. In general, the sale of Tangible Personal Property (TPP) is subject to sales tax collection in the United States, but there are plenty of exemptions. And it's not always clear what TPP is. What about software? Software as a service (SaaS)? Other digital products? 

On the other hand, traditionally services are generally not subject to sales tax unless specifically delineated. However states are becoming more aggressive and also expanding definitions of services that might fall under their taxable enumerated services. (An example includes data processing services - taxable in many states.) Make sure you are up to date here as well. Other things that can create nexus and state tax reporting issues include: 

  • Hiring a new employee
  • Contracting with an independent contractor
  • Maintaining inventory in third-party warehouses
  • Owning property or renting office space
  • Being a lessor of items of property (such as sensors, widgets, etc.) that your customer may use in a state, but where you retain title and charge a lease or rental charge
  • Using fulfillment services like Fulfillment By Amazon (FBA) or similar services which place inventory in third-party warehouses in different states

3.) Register, Report And File To Meet Sales Tax Due Dates

Once nexus and taxability have been addressed, it's generally time to register for a sales tax permit in each of the states in which you are subject to sales tax collection. This process also varies by state, so check out this helpful guide from TaxJar to learn how to register. Important planning note: Depending upon the nexus start dates determined, a seller may find that they have retroactive exposure because they should have been collecting and remitting tax in a state for several years prior. Remember earlier, when we said there should be no liability for the seller, since sales tax is a pass through? Well, if sales tax hasn't been correctly collected in prior periods, then the liability may shift to the seller. This is where we assist clients regularly. We will often work with them to become compliant for prior periods (either through the voluntary disclosure process or via registration and back filings). Only once the retroactive remediation is done can a company properly file correctly going forward. 

Once a sales tax due date comes around, you will need to prepare for filing by determining the amount of sales tax you collected in the state and in each county, city and/or other special taxing district. Then it is time to file. 

4.) Filing - Consider Automation

We've been doing state tax consulting for long enough to remember paper filings … but we certainly don't recommend going that route anymore! There are a lot of software options out there for companies when it comes to sales tax compliance. We work with our clients and recommend many of the popular software vendors out there, depending on each client's unique situation. We always recommend a balance of consulting (generally to properly determine nexus, taxability and any retroactive remediation, as discussed above), combined with an automated solution for filing going forward. And in that process, communication is key. That's one of our strengths! Along with those many years of experience!  

5.) Still Have Sales Tax Compliance Questions? 

As shown above, it is usually not as easy as 1,2,3 or "plug and play" of a software product - especially if you weren't sales tax compliant in the past. Luckily, our team of multistate sales tax experts can help support you and move forward with tax compliance. Please contact us today. We're happy to clarify any multistate sales tax issues you're trying to navigate.

Focus on Michigan

Tahquamenon Falls in Michigan's eastern Upper Peninsula seen with colorful fall foliage. This beautiful waterfall is said to be the second largest in the United States east of the Mississippi River.

Every month, we focus one blog on a “state of the month” where we share not only the state tax ramifications (including economic nexus rules for sales tax, among others), but also some information about the geography, business climate, various tax insights, and of course, some fun facts.

This month takes us to the Wolverine State of Michigan. The origins of this name are obscure, but may be derived from a busy trade in Wolverine furs during the 18th Century.

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2022 Sales Tax Important Takeaways And What To Expect For 2023

four blocks, one with the number 2, one with the number o, another with the number 2, and one more with the number 2 but it is flipping to another side that has a three. Stacks of coins in the background.

It is hard to believe 2022 has come to an end. As we begin a new year, it's important to take a look back at all that has happened in the world of sales tax to better understand what to expect for 2023. Though we can't predict exactly what will happen with the sales tax landscape in 2023, in this blog post, we share what to expect based on trends we saw during the past 12 months. 

1099-K Tax Code Changes 

Taking it all the way back to the beginning of 2022, starting on January 1, small business owners using mobile payment apps such as Venmo or Paypal who made over $600 in transactions on goods and services were required to report their earnings starting on their 2023 filings. 

The Wayfair Decision Turned Four

If you regularly follow our blog or have any involvement in the sales tax world, you know how monumental the June 2018 U.S. Supreme Court ruling in South Dakota v. Wayfair, Inc. was for the sales tax climate and inspiring states across the country to introduce economic nexus legislation. In 2022, as the Wayfair decision turned four, a survey for Avalara found that the impact of economic nexus has never been greater for businesses of all sizes, and even more so for smaller businesses. Eighty-three percent of respondents recognized Wayfair impacted how their company does business, which was the highest number since the survey was first conducted. 

Colorado Simplified The Sales Tax Code 

While many of the sales tax changes in 2022 added complexity for business owners, some states actually implemented legislation last year in an attempt to simplify compliance requirements. Colorado is one example. Introduced in January and signed in April, Senate Bill 22-032 outlined several changes to Colorado's complex "Home Rule" city system. We outline the specifics in this article. 

Rising NFT Sales Bring Up Sales Tax Concerns 

Non-Fungible Tokens, or NFTs, have been around since 2014 and started to gain mainstream use in 2021. Moving into 2022, they have only continued to gain momentum, bringing about sales tax ramifications and compliance questions. Currently, at least 31 states apply sales taxes to digital products and services, some of which are broad enough to likely include NFTs if they can be viewed or heard. In 2022, Pennsylvania, Washington and Wisconsin became the first states to officially cite NFTs as digital assets subject to sales and use taxes. The Pennsylvania Department of Revenue listed them as taxable but did not offer guidance, while Washington provided an interim statement with definitions of key terms and a proposed plan for arbitrating exactly where transactions related to the sale of NFTs physically take place. Wisconsin also issued guidance, shared here.

Sales Tax Trends For 2023 

Non-Luxury Essential Sales Tax Exemptions 

Almost all U.S. states exempt necessity purchases like groceries and feminine hygiene products from sales tax, but some still tax them. Last year we began to see a trend of states eliminating the tax requirements, such as Louisiana and Michigan, with more eliminations starting at the beginning of this year, including Colorado and Iowa. We expect to see other states follow their lead. 

Sales Tax Law Continues To Catch Up To Technology 

Carl Davis, the Research Director of the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy shared with TaxJar information on the way sales tax laws are updated. "It all comes down to the fact that the economy often evolves more quickly than state tax codes do. Digital downloads and streaming - those were exempt from sales tax not because lawmakers decided that they deserved to be tax-exempt. They were exempt because those things didn't exist at the time the sales tax statute was written." 

This explains the complication that newer developments like NFTs and digital goods can have on sales tax compliance. This being said, we expect this year's tax code will continue to catch up with these evolving areas as they began to last year. 

Do You Have Sales Tax Questions?

If you have sales tax compliance questions, we would love to support you. We are a skilled team of multistate sales tax professionals, so if you have questions about your state sales tax obligations, please contact us today. We're happy to clarify any multistate tax issues you're trying to navigate.

How To Ensure Sales Tax Compliance For Your Nonprofit Organization

Smiling male volunteer packs up boxes for a nonprofit.

While nonprofits are generally exempt from paying federal and state income tax, sales tax compliance can be a little more complex. It can be easy to overlook the importance of sales tax compliance in your operations but ignoring it could cause hefty fines and penalties which can put a serious strain on your budget. In this blog post, we share up-to-date sales tax information to ensure your nonprofit organization stays compliant now while avoiding potential issues later.

What Qualifies A Business As A Nonprofit? 

As defined by the National Council of Nonprofits, a nonprofit is an organization that provides a way for people to work together for the common good, transforming hopes and beliefs into actions. If a nonprofit meets certain requirements and is officially granted nonprofit status by the IRS, it will be exempt from paying most taxes to federal and state governments. 

For the IRS to grant a nonprofit a tax exemption, its articles of incorporation must state that it was formed for charitable purposes or limit its activities to those permissible under the Tax Code. To receive the exemption, a business must apply to be a registered 501(c) entity. Most are exempt under section 501(c)(3), which gives an exemption to charitable organizations and lets donors deduct their charitable contributions. But just because you are a registered nonprofit exempt from certain state and federal taxes does not mean nonprofits are off the hook from sales tax compliance completely. 

Does Your Nonprofit Have Sales Tax Liabilities To Consider?

There are two sides to sales tax compliance that nonprofit organizations may face. The first is for items that a nonprofit may purchase. Are they exempt from paying sales tax on those items that other people would be required to pay? It depends on the state and the item. For example, in Utah, nonprofits are exempt from paying sales tax when purchasing items that directly fulfill their mission. In our home state of California, most items are subject to sales tax, although there are a few specific exceptions. In North Carolina, you must pay sales tax at the time of purchase but can file semiannually for a refund. 

Similar to any other area of taxation, one key requirement is proper documentation of exemption. Each state has its own exemption certificate and requirements for accepting them. These certificates are presented to a seller by the nonprofit purchaser. The certificate proves to the seller that the buyer is a legitimate nonprofit and not required to pay sales tax. 

The second area to consider is if the nonprofit is actually selling something, do they need to charge sales tax on those services or products? What are their liabilities? What are their filing requirements?  This also depends on the state. For most states, any otherwise taxable products and services should also be subject to sales tax when sold by a nonprofit. For example, if a nonprofit sells T-shirts, they would be subject to sales tax collection for the T-shirts sold in states that subject sales of clothing to sales tax. Similarly to sales tax on items purchased by a nonprofit, some states will not require a nonprofit organization to collect sales tax if the proceeds are going toward funding their mission. 

We often see sales tax questions come up related to a charity putting on an auction or selling raffle tickets to make some extra money. As the California article notes, the facts and circumstances are often very important in determining the taxability.

Common Sales Tax Issues For Nonprofits 

As you can see, requirements vary by state, so challenges can arise even if you try to stay informed. A common issue that many nonprofit organizations face in general is more frequent audits. Nonprofits may face audits more often than other businesses since the IRS wants to ensure that they are being run for the right reasons, not for personal gain. As such, state taxing agencies may also be inclined to more frequently audit these entities. Note that while the designation for a nonprofit entity might be at the federal level, the question of whether the entity is subject to sales tax is a state matter. In our practice we often find that nonprofit companies assume they are exempt from all taxes because of that nonprofit status. As with so many other nuances from state to state, the laws around nonprofits and sales tax can vary significantly, so it's very problematic to make those assumptions. To avoid this, we recommend reaching out as soon as possible to a team of multistate sales tax compliance experts like our talented team at Miles Consulting Group. 

Do You Have Other Sales Tax Compliance Questions?

If you are a nonprofit organization with sales tax compliance questions, we would love to support you. We are a skilled team of multistate sales tax professionals, so if you have questions about your state sales tax obligations, please contact us today. We're happy to clarify any multistate tax issues you're trying to navigate.

A Useful Guide To Economic Nexus And New Missouri State Tax Updates

A calculator next to a pen next to a paper stating, 'Sales Tax' on a desk.

Are you a large company with operations in multiple states? If so, it's essential you stay up to date on economic nexus or state sales tax changes that may affect your organization. Trying to keep track of all the laws and regulations can be a daunting task, but thankfully we've put together guidance designed to help make sense of these complex topics. We provide an overview of what economic nexus is and how it impacts businesses that operate in multiple jurisdictions, as well as outline the specific impact of recent Missouri legislation on companies doing business within its boundaries. With this information at hand, you can be sure your business remains compliant and avoids costly penalties.

What Is Economic Nexus?

First, what is economic nexus? We have covered this topic in depth throughout the years, so for more detail click here and here, but in short: Economic nexus is the result of the 2018 U.S. Supreme Court ruled Wayfair decision, which held that economic presence (measured by dollar amounts of sales and/or number of transactions into a state) was sufficient for a state to require businesses to collect and remit sales tax, instead of just physical presence. In the years since the decision, this set off a scramble by states to create new economic nexus legislation to take advantage of the state-friendly ruling in Wayfair. Part of the challenge for companies trying to be compliant is that the enactment dates vary significantly by state.  . Today, every state that imposes state level sales taxes (45 states)  has some sort of economic nexus legislation, though the specifics vary by state. Missouri was the very last state to enact economic nexus legislation, which goes into effect on January 1, 2023. 

Missouri Enacts Economic Nexus Legislation 

If you do remote business in Missouri, you may have to start collecting and remitting sales tax on your sales in the state starting in just a couple of weeks. Currently, the state's economic nexus threshold is $100,000 in cumulative gross receipts from taxable sales of tangible personal property delivered into Missouri during the previous or current calendar year. It is important to note that sales made through third-party marketplace facilitators also count toward this threshold. 

Economic Nexus Challenges And Effects Heading Into 2023

As we approach 2023, economic nexus legislation may affect remote businesses more than ever before. According to a May 2022 Avalara study, 83% of businesses shared that Wayfair impacts how their company does business, which was the highest percentage over the last six survey periods, dating back to 2019. The survey also found that even with some states having over four years of economic nexus legislation under their belts, businesses are still struggling to comply with both nexus and marketplace facilitation legislation, with just 46% of respondents sharing they had made all necessary changes to comply with state enacted economic nexus laws, an all-time low for the survey. With so many companies struggling to meet multistate nexus requirements, could we see threshold standardization in the future? 

Could Remote Sellers See Standardization In The Future? 

The answer? Potentially. Back in November of 2022, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) weighed in, recommending that Congress enact sales tax regulations across the country for a stronger tax system. They share their reasoning in a report linked here, including that similar taxpayers should receive similar treatment, instead of remote sellers having more complex requirements compared with brick-and-mortar sellers. We will certainly keep you updated on developments, but we're not optimistic that Congress will act on this. The reason the Wayfair case was the catalyst for the change to an economic nexus standard is because Congress never acted on the changing e-commerce world of the 1990s and 2000s. 

Still Have Sales Economic Nexus Sales Tax Questions? 

As you can see, many remote sellers struggle to keep up with economic nexus requirements. Working with an experienced team of state sales tax experts like Miles Consulting Group is a great way to manage your economic nexus obligations and avoid an audit. If you have questions about your multistate sales tax compliance or accuracy or have any other sales tax questions, please contact us today. We're happy to clarify any issues you may be trying to resolve.

Excited For Thanksgiving? Breaking Down The Sales Tax Implications Of Your Big Turkey Dinner

Thanksgiving & Sales Tax

As the big day approaches, you may be finalizing your grocery list for your delicious Thanksgiving feast. While many items you purchase for Thanksgiving dinner will be sales tax free, there are a few key things to be aware of. In this blog post, we break down the sales tax implications of your big turkey dinner. Stay informed and have a happy Thanksgiving!

Turkey Dinner Sales Tax Obligations

First, we look at the most essential part of Thanksgiving - the food! Currently, you will only be taxed on groceries in 11 states, and many of these 11 have either reduced or paused that charge as inflation rates soar. 

Maybe you decide to bypass the stress of cooking and choose to eat out at a restaurant or order takeout. If you do eat at a restaurant, you will be charged sales tax in most states. Check out this comprehensive guide to see what you may be charged on top of your base meal price. If you would rather eat from the comfort of your home and decide on takeout, this guide lists your state's sales tax prices for prepared foods consumed at home. 

Food probably isn't the only purchase you are making for the holiday. If you are using the following items as part of your Thanksgiving feast, you will likely be charged sales tax on:

  • Wine/Alcohol 
  • Fall or Thanksgiving-themed decor
  • Place settings, silverware, platters, etc.

Am I Charged Sales Tax On Thanksgiving Items I Buy Online? 

Prior to the 2018 Wayfair Decision, online sellers only needed to collect and remit sales tax for states they had a physical presence in. Today, every state with sales tax has established some set of economic nexus legislation, meaning that online products are subject to sales tax based on the state the buyer is located in, as long as they meet a certain threshold of sale items or sale dollar total. 

Thanksgiving Travel & Sales Tax Requirements

Are you planning to travel for the holidays? If you are visiting Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire, Oregon or Alaska, you may want to make your turkey day purchases after you arrive - these states do not have statewide sales tax. If you are spending the holidays in Alaska, keep in mind that even though they do not have a statewide sales tax, they do allow cities and towns to levy sales taxes. 

We Are So Thankful For You!

We appreciate our amazing clients and colleagues all year, but this holiday of thanks is the perfect excuse for us to remind you how grateful we are for your continued support of Miles Consulting Group. Thank you for being part of our family, and have an amazing holiday!

If you have questions about your state sales tax obligations, please contact us today. We're happy to clarify any multistate tax issues you're trying to navigate.